Blumaan Cavalier Clay Review

Blumaan Cavalier Clay Review

Thomas In ActionMen's Hair Products, Product Reviews Leave a Comment

Welcome to my Blumaan Cavalier Clay Review!

Blumaan Cavalier Clay Review
Blumaan Cavalier Clay Review
Blumaan Cavalier Clay Review

So obviously if you keep up to date with your Men’s Styling gurus on YouTube, you would know that good old Joe from Blumaan and Cameron Cretney have come together to make a kick-ass hair clay for us to froth over.

And if you follow me on YouTube you guys will know I’m growing my hair out and YES for those who saw the video about this Blumaan Cavalier Clay, I did get a little bit chopped off….

I know it was against the rules of me growing my hair out but seriously, it was just too long for me to be able to look nice….

so I cut it by 3 inches and thought I’d give my other fluffy bits a chance to catch up. Anyway, the hairstyle in this video was done by giving my hair a thorough straighten and then I made use of this awesome Cavalier Clay.

Positives About The Blumaan Cavalier Clay

#1 – Smells Awesome!
I would describe the Blumaan Cavalier Clay as a caramelly smell. The smell buzzes around your head all day! I Love that.

#2 – Firm Hold and Easy To Shape 

Get Awesome Hair Now
Awesome Hair Texture - Blumaan Cavalier Clay

The Blumaan Cavalier Clay is designed for a strong hold with thick hair and it ACTUALLY does provide this. This allowed me to shape my hair without it flicking everywhere and just doing its own thing. this stuff really helped me form some solid shape AND keep it without losing the total flexibility of my hair.

#3 – Great for Texture

Awesome Hair Texture - Blumaan Cavalier Clay

I’ve got very poofy hair which a lot of the time makes it just look like a fuzz ball and shitty. however, the Blumaan Cavalier Clay really helped me calm that down. (Just FYI the Cavalier Clay didn’t make my hair straight, I had to do that part, but this is just to show you the dramatic difference I am able to achieve with my hair and this product!)

Other Notes

#1 –
I had never used a clay before this review and was shocked at how rough this kind of hair product is. after doing more research on hair clay, I found that this is normal, just different for me I guess.

#2 –
I would have liked to of had a shorter hairstyle when trying this as when your hair is long AND course it’s hard to mix it up, I mean I can pretty much only do my hair I did in the video with this clay and I could probably tame flyaways well with it so having short hair and maybe a quiff would have been good.
That’s about it really.


Overall I really liked the products and will be using it to do my side swipe hairdo through my growing out process.

I’d recommend this product the most to anyone with fairly short hair (probably 5 inches or less) that’s coarse and thick simply because I the control it gives and the matte finish is pretty sick too!

I’m so grateful I got to try this product before it was on the market and if you want to try the Blumaan Cavalier Clay, it’s $19.50 US and I’d encourage you to visit BluMaan Website and grab yours today!

Click here to get yours.

I hope you enjoy the clay guys!

and if you aren’t keen for more content like this, here’s an article I wrote the other day about manbuns:

It’s an article about all my sick Man Bun Styles!.

Other recent posts that might tickle your fanny… I mean fancy.

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