Best shorts for men this summer… where do I begin?
So, it’s summertime in America, Europe and tonnes of other places right now EXCEPT Australia which I’m super devo about and all of you guys that live in those places get to rock around in your awesome summer outfits while we Aussies sit here freezing my tits off! (crying face).
On the other hand, how bad do Aussies really have it? The Australian winter on the Gold Coast is pretty much an English summer, the weather great, the sun shines and the wind has a bit of bite but that’s really about it and the only real adjustment I really need to make when it comes to winter fashion is adding a sweater and some longer socks…
Believe me I’m having fun with that right now because long sleeves are in and my new sweater is the bossiest of all.

Anyhow, believe it or not, shorts are actually still totally fine to wear in winter on the Gold Coast. I personally rock around in shorts and sweaters all the time and it’s great! More to the point though, I had tonnes of followers on my snapchat ask me where I got the shorts I’m wearing in the picture below…

A few moments later it dawned on me that it was summer on the other side of the world and as I put my sweater on everyone in the northern hemisphere was getting into their Bikinis and shorts for summer, So it only made sense to further elaborate on my semi-famous festival shorts from Snapchat and include a few extra pairs in just for a bit of summer fashion variety!
So here we go…
3 of the Best Shorts For Men This Summer:
Number 1- Festival Shorts
Of course, I had to mention these Snapchat famous bad boys first as it seems to be what everyone is gagging for…

The truth is… Are you ready for it? these shorts are from Target… literally, you could probably grab a cute of festival summer shorts like these from any store like Target, K-Mart Walmart. any kind of department store should sell them. They are called “Festival Shorts” They’re great because:
1. They look good.
2. They are comfy as hell.
3. They are CHEAP! they were only $10… like common. Also, you should have seen the number of compliments I got on my package when I posted that pic on Snapchat lol…. Theres no denying it, Festival shorts are the best shorts for men this summer.
Number 2 – White Shorts:

Ok, so white shorts are like a symbol for summer fashion…There’s something about white shorts that is just so pure and clean. This pair that I’m wearing in the photo are from a store called “Club Monico”. Club Monico was a hot clothing store I visited in Toronto Canada when I was living there… These shorts have truly done me Well.
They literally go with everything, whether I’m wearing a tank too and a cheap pair of slip ons or a smooth pair of dress shoes and a dress shirt… I’m all for white shorts like these and they were only $50 bucks… pretty good deal to me I say.
Number 3 – Lowered Crotch Shorts

Ok, just FYI, khaki bone colour and camo green are very in fashion right now and it just so happens I have a pair of lowered crotch shorts in both of those colours sitting in my wardrobe…Jackpot!
Anyway, these shorts are the freaking bomb simply because
1. They can be found in affordable fast fashion stores like H&M
2. They are cheaps, about $30 a pair
3. They make your ass look AMAZING
4. They have a deep crotch so your doodle looks longer.
If you are after jam packed benefits I’d seriously consider getting yourself some shorts like this for summer!
Okie Dokie, so that’s all I have for this post in regards to shorts, If any of these styles jump out at you make sure you check out the video I did about them on youtube, you get to see them on and moving and also if you are in the northern hemisphere, damn you and have a great summer!
There’s still plenty of time to catch up on the trends so have a good one!
Thomas In Action!